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  • Writer's pictureBek.

Single Mothers Matter.

Modeled relationship during your childhood shaped future romantic relationships.

Cycles are the state of living in the unconscious mind. Being comfortable.

I use to be the queen of cycles. "This is familiar and feels safe." The mindset that kept me in a toxic, unproductive relationship for 5 years. Promises that were never kept. Love that was lost.

Yet I felt lost without them.

I was lost because I was not living in a conscious state. Autopilot felt safe,I knew what would happen next.

Another argument about their infidelity. Me forgiving them. Them cheating again.

I felt unloved




"They love me and they're going to change." Words I eventually failed to believe.

During one of our many breaks I became pregnant with Abel and Ezra. My partner and I agreed to work things out as a family. During the duration of my pregnancy I was shamed and ridiculed for being pregnant. However I stayed because our "love" was all I knew.

My unconditional love and loyalty were discounted now that I had children.

Eventually our family dynamic dissolved into us being familiar strangers.

Abel, Ezra and I were a burden.

For years I was resistant, not allowing the universe to remove dead weight from my life.

Tap into your intuition.

Meditate and exercise your conscious state of being.

Hey you guys!

Dating while being a single parent comes with obstacles and myths that need to be dismantled. During your dating journey know yourself and your worth.

Never let your circumstances dictate how you allow someone to treat you. The only thing standing in your way is self. Demand respect. Never shrink yourself to make someone else comfortable. You deserve to be loved unconditionally and having children is not an excuse to settle for less. You are not a burden. Your children are not a burden. Be brave enough to dismiss yourself from any relationship that does not honor you and your children. Pick yourself up and believe that you are worthy of being respected and loved.

- Love Bek.

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