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  • Writer's pictureBek.

Co-Parenting Alone.

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

"People do the best they can with the level of awareness they have".

Prematurely into this beautiful journey of parenting I was continuously upset with the decisions made by the individual I was co-parenting with.

Their father and I did not agree on anything. Which caused friction and prompted my sense of loneliness. I felt like I was left to raise 2 children alone.

Growth and self reflections caused my outlook of co-parenting to alter.

I was in charge of our destiny and I can create the family I want for us. The truth is I was not alone. I had people that loved and adored Abel and Ezra.

Now that I accepted the situation which was not ideal, I was real with myself....

As long as my children were not mentally or physically harmed by their father, his decisions and beliefs are out of my control.

What I can control is what Abel and Ezra receive from me. I can control what I expose them to and what is presented to them while they are in my presence.

Hey guys,

So initially I wanted this entry to be a longer, drawn out description of my coparenting experience.

Honestly the quote "People do the best they can with the level of awareness they have" sums up this entire blog lol.

I believed parenting was a difficult journey due to the person I was coparenting with. However, I took a step back to self reflect. I thought "How could I make Coparenting less of a nightmare" (I mean parenting is a lifetime job). So I started with self. I healed parts of my inner child that felt the need to save people (which many times is mistaken as control). Also taking the time to understand their other parent. Knowing they are only modeling what they have and remembering they are human as well.

Self healing paired with accepting the other parent for who they are, while not taking anything personal has eliminated all of my negative feelings that surround coparenting.

Be the best Parent you can be for yourself and your children. Allow the other parent to figure out the rest by themselves. You are in control of your families destiny.

With Love,


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